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“Ce livre en anglais conte l'histoire d'une des scènes jazz les plus brûlantes du monde et sa lutte contre l'apartheid. This book tells the story of one of the hottest jazz scenes in the world and how it was destroyed by the apartheid regime.”

The Rough Guide South African Jazz


Il propose des centaines de photos inédites de musiciens comme Abdullah Ibrahim (then Dollar Brand), Sathima Bea Benjamin, Chris McGregor, Nick Moyake, Ronnie Beer, Sammy Maritz, Johnny Gertze, Ronnie Beer, Dudu Pukwana, Louis Moholo, Cups Nkanuka, Christopher Columbus Ngcukana, Hotep Idris Galeta (alors Cecil Barnard), etc. ..

Source: éditeur It contains some hundred hitherto unpublished photos of musicians like Abdullah Ibrahim (then Dollar Brand), Sathima Bea Benjamin, Chris McGregor, Nick Moyake, Ronnie Beer, Sammy Maritz, Johnny Gertze, Ronnie Beer, Dudu Pukwana, Louis Moholo, Cups Nkanuka, Christopher Columbus Ngcukana, Hotep Idris Galeta (then Cecil Barnard), etc…

Source: publisher


À propos de l'auteur

Sylvie Clerfeuille

Sylvie Clerfeuille

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